Early February Update

Bliss Stage RPCG

  • Figuring out effects. Namely, Anchors weren’t working out from previous just for the sheer amount of text they required to have three abilities. Might take a page from LoLDCG and make them scaling effects.
  • Still sorta worried about the whole relationship aspect of the game (which is on a meta level… the entire point. You aren’t supposed to be comfortable with it). I really don’t want to piss anybody off, but I’m not sure if it’s even possible to show it respectfully.


  • Still stuck on effect implementation that doesn’t make burst damage incredibly too good. The actual game also has some issues with this and their balance is in systems that aren’t emulatable in card game form.
  • Some kits when they’re ONLY on paper are absurdly broken… like Yasou.


  • Still waiting on the expansion for the required data for a full review. The initial set has its own problems but it’s the expansions that decide where the game goes from here.

One-Shot CCGs

  • Still planning to do these, likely starting with Disgaea. One-Shots are CCG images that may or may not fit to a fleshed out game, and won’t ever go past proof-of-concept prototypes.

Other Stuff

  • Adventure Time has their own LCG-format game coming out. Not only is it coming out for the correct target audience, but there’s actual player interaction! And a DIGITAL version at the same time! Granted, I’m not a fan of the fonts used but that’s an IP liberty (and somewhat of a target audience one).